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Plant Pathology (BHT206)



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Plant Pathology

Diseases in plants are caused by infections due to pathogens which can be bacteria, fungi, viruses and mycoplasmas. Problems which are attributable to the environment or nutritional imbalances are sometimes regarded as disorders.

Diseases cause reduced efficiency in plant growth and function i.e. 'dis-ease'. Causes of diseases produce a wide range of symptoms in plants such as dieback, wilting, stunting, rots, spots, blights, discolouration, and deformity to name but a few.   


This course consists of 8 lessons including:

Types of Diseases
The Lifecycle of a Disease
Control Techniques
Selected Pathogen Diseases Ornamentals
Selected Pathogen Diseases Crops
Non-Infectious Diseases
Special Project

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Plant Pathology (BHT206) Plant Pathology (BHT206)
$680.00 In stock