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Turf Grasses (BHT342)



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Learn about Turf Grasses

  • Choose the cultivars you use more wisely
  • Know how to maintain and repair turf according to the cultivars being used
  • Have a better quality turf and fewer failures
  • Save time and money for yourself and your employer.


Course Content

This course begins by strengthening your understanding of turfgrass physiology and taxonomy. Most of the course then applies that understanding to systematically studying all of the significant types of turf grasses grown around the world, in both cool and hot climates; and both dry and wet climates. The course then finishes by showing you how multiple cultivars might be grown together in the same turf surface to compliment each other and produce a better turf.

There are ten lessons:

  1. Introduction -Biology, terminology and classification of turf grasses.

  2. Fescues - the “Festuca rubra complex”, “Festuca ovina complex” and others

  3. Bentgrasses - Creeping, Colonial, Velvet, Redtop, Highland and Idaho Bentgrass 

  4. Ryegrasses - Perennial, Italian, Annual Ryegrass etc.

  5. Bluegrasses - Kentucky, Texas, Rough, Canada, Upland and other bluegrass species including winter grass.

  6. Couchgrasses -Bermuda, South African, Hybrid, Queensland Blue and Salt Water couches.

  7. Buffalo and Zoysia Grasses - Stenotaphrum, Buchloe, Bouteloua and Zoysia.

  8. Other Warm Condition Grasses -Centipedegrass, Kikuyu, Paspalums, Bahia grass and others

  9. Other Cool Condition Grasses -Hairgrasses, Timothy, Brome, Phalaris, Wheatgrass, Crested Dogtail, etc

  10. Turf grass Mixes -Growing two or more varieties together in the same turf.

Lesson Aims

  • Recognise the characteristics that differentiate turf grass cultivars one from another, in order to make choices about what cultivars are appropriate for different turf applications.
  • Describe the characteristics, culture and uses of Fescue grasses as a turf.
  • Describe the characteristics, culture and uses of Bent grasses as a turf.
  • Describe the characteristics, culture and uses of Rye grasses as a turf.
  • Describe the characteristics, culture and uses of Blue grasses as a turf.
  • Describe the characteristics, culture and uses of Couch grasses as a turf.
  • Describe the characteristics, culture and use of Buffalo and Zoysia grasses.
  • Describe the characteristics, culture and uses of various warm condition grasses as a turf.
  • Describe the characteristics, culture and uses of various cool condition grasses as a turf.
  • Explain how different varieties of turf grass can be effectively grown together.

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Turf Grasses (BHT342) Turf Grasses (BHT342)
$790.00 In stock