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Food Processing and Technology (BSS301)



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Learn about how food products are created, from developing the concept to landing the product on store shelves. This course discusses food trends, focus groups, analysis, and more. At the end of the course, apply your knowledge and design your own food product.

There are 9 lessons in this course:

  1. Overview -Scope and Nature of Food Processing Industry
  2. The Role of Nutrition in New Product Development
  3. Chemical Processing, Preservatives, and Additives
  4. Thermal Food Processing, Pasteurisation and Microwave Cooking
  5. Managing Health Claims and Other Statements
  6. Developing New Food Products (including Marketing)
  7. Packaging, Labelling and Storage
  8. Legal, Policy and Management
  9. Developing a New Product - Problem Based Learning (PBL) Project


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Food Processing and Technology (BSS301) Food Processing and Technology (BSS301)
$680.00 In stock